Monday, December 09, 2013

Let's you and my campaign manager fight

So this is rich.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tyler Olson has suspended his role in the campaign.

So he can't attack the governor — or his primary opponents.

But while Olson is dealing with family matters (pending divorce), his campaign manager sends out attacks like this?

MONDAY, December 9, 2013
CONTACT: Alex Youn,

Governor Branstad's Mismanagement of the Toledo Juvenile Home Continues

CEDAR RAPIDS – Today, Rep. Tyler Olson's Campaign Manager, Alex Youn, released the following statement regarding the news of the Toledo Juvenile Home closing:

Governor Terry Branstad's mismanagement of the Toledo Juvenile Home continued today. Choosing to close the Toledo Juvenile Home is a poor decision made in secrecy. Governor Branstad's lack of oversight resulted in unsafe conditions and now further turmoil for the home's residents.

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