Monday, February 02, 2009

Cityview publishes my commentary on stripper names

The Des Moines newspaper Cityview has published a commentary I penned on stripper names -- or more directly how to avoid them in its latest issue on stands now.

Comedian Chris Rock jokes that a father’s main charge with a daughter is to keep her off the pole. In other words, if your little girl, the lass who begged you to pay for dance classes, ends up using whirling and spinning skills on the performance pole at a strip club, well, then welcome to failure, father.

Now there are a number of strategies dads can employ for keeping their daughters off a dollar diet — a nightly salary happily fed by the patrons in the front row of seats at strip clubs, a place in a bar with a name so full of potential double-meanings I can’t figure out if it’s offensive or just awfully confusing.

To get back on point: How does a man keep his daughter from devolving into the sordid, yet occasionally lucrative, world of stripping.

--- Douglas Burns

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