Friday, November 21, 2008


As an Iowan I know that Thanksgiving -- the way we recognize it -- relies on killing birds. That said, this is the most unbelievable backdrop for a political interview I've ever seen in my life -- or in a movie. Palin just keeps getting more absurd. Bobby Jindal better do some fast talking to get her off center stage.


Essential Estrogen said...

The really odd part about this was that Palin approved the slaughtering as the back-drop for the interview.

I know most Americans understand there is slaughtering done to provide the products in the meat market, but I'm not convinced most Americans want a front row seat for it.

Anonymous said...

"this is the most unbelievable backdrop for a political interview I've ever seen in my life"

It says more about the videographer than it does about Palin.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with the video? How many hunting licenses are sold in Carroll county? Apparently not nearly enough if people take offense at this.