Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hubler In Iowa's Fifth: 'Real Representation'

DENISON -- Democratic congressional candidate Rob Hubler has $83,000 so far to back him his political war cry of "real represenation."

Recent Federal Election Filings show that Hubler, a retired Presbyterian minister who has essentially been campaigning full-time for more than a year, has total receipts of more than $83,000. Hubler faces Joyce Schulte of Creston, the Democratic nominee in 2004 and 2006, and Bob Chambers, a retired businessman from Essex.

Hubler has told Iowa Independent he thinks can raise the money to give King some true competition.

In recent campaign appearances Hubler has been calling for "real representation" -- a knock on U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who Hubler thinks is out of step with the interests of western Iowa.

"That has always been and will continue to be the sole reason for this campaign's existence: real representation", Hubler said. "When I am elected there will be real representation for small and mid-sized farmers and ranchers who struggle to survive amongst the mega-operations. There will be real representation for the betterment of our economy by repealing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. There will be real representation for the American worker by eliminating the tax credits given to corporations that close factories here in the Fifth District and ship those jobs overseas. And there will finally be real representation for the overriding majority of Iowans who demand our brave troops, our precious blood, be taken out of Iraq sooner rather than later."

Hubler made the remarks to members of Iowa�s Democratic Fifth District Central Committee in Denison this past Saturday almost a year to the day he told the group he was running for office.

"We started a year ago to prove this would be a winning campaign, not just one that puts a name on a ballot," Hubler added. "Twelve months later, many have come to believe in our ability. They include past and present state legislators, county supervisors, party chairs, and activists who have endorsed our campaign by way of public statement, financial contribution, or both."

This story is also cross-posted at Iowa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doug, I enjoy your column, but there's nothing that disturbs me more than seeing a fellow Democrat embarrassed. I went to the FEC's website, only to sadly discover even more FEC investigations into Hubler's "latest" amended report, which you cite in your blog post above. Go to, and on the left under "Campaign Finance Reports and Data," click on "View Images of all Finance Reports." There, you'll find numerous amendments to amended reports, including the one you referenced above. I loathe Steve King and his immoral Iowa values, but he "does" Vote. Hubler hasn't even voted in more than a decade (only once, in Fact, in 1996 -- CD-ROM available at IA Secretary of State website). We need to be responsible (i.e. truth-seeking) Democrats if we're to win in '08. We simply can't afford to be sheep. King's no saint by any means, but these FEC records Are public. Quite honestly, based on the FEC's growing impatience with Hubler's subterfuge (just read their numerous letters to him on their site), I expect the IDP will quietly ask him to end his campaign in order to save Iowa's Fifth District further embarrassment.