Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Politics Of Obama's Past Cocaine Use

When Barack Obama speaks frankly about his youthful drug use in a generic sense on the campaign trail here, voters often respond positively to the Illinois Democrat's straightforward handling of the personal failing. In fact, many see it as revealing a canyon-sized difference between Obama's Generation X candor and the equivocation of Baby Boomers like the Clintons on such matters.

That said, when polls are examined more closely, and the question is posed to voters not on drugs generally but specifically on cocaine (which Obama admitted to using in his best-selling memior,"Dreams From My Father," by noting that he did "maybe a little blow when you could afford it.") the results show some potential vulnerabilities for the senator.

His Democratic opponents haven't seized this issue a in high-profile way. But Republican presidential Mitt Romney has challenged Obama on the drug angle, perhaps presaging a general-election strategy, while two western Iowa conservative Republicans see the issue as having no traction and being fraught with tripwires for their party if mishandled.

Read the rest of my story on this at Iowa

1 comment:

Peter said...

Obama speaks frankly about his youthful drug use in a generic sense on the campaign. Obama's cocaine use come to forefront of this campaign. Obamas autobiography speaks of his past drug use, including cocaine.
Crack Cocaine