SAC CITY -- Marjie Sands listened intently to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton portray her health-care plan as more inclusive than the New York senator's opponents this weekend in a campaign stop at the Sac City fire station in northwest Iowa.
For Sands, a nurse at Loring Hospital in Sac City, health-care is a defining issue, the one on which she is going to make the final call between Clinton and U.S. Sen. Barack Obama on caucus night.
"I need to hear a very great health-care plan, not universal but something where we can help the people who can't afford it -- and make it so that everybody has health-insurance," Sands said. "But the people who are working hard can't afford it right now and so I'm seeing the results of that in the hospital."
If she had to caucuses today Sands said she would lean toward Obama but is keeping the door open for Clinton.
"I was a Bill Clinton fan," Sands said.
Living in heavily Republican territory, Sands joked that she doesn't visit often about politics with her friends and colleagues. That said, when the matter does arise, she hears more negative comments from Republicans about Clinton than Obama.
"My husband's a very staunch Republican," Sands said.
And who does he dislike more?
"I think Clinton," she said.
For her part, Clinton drew a crowd of several hundred people in the fire hall in this county seat town of 2,200, about 30 miles northwest of Carroll. Clinton started her speech by recognizing the sacrifice of Sgt. Adrian Hike, a Carroll native who was killed earlier this month in combat in Afghanistan. Hike's funeral was just hours before te Clinton appearance.
"It's another reminder of the sacrifice our men and women in uniform make," Clinton said.
Clinton staffers said she had no contact with the family and based the remarks on reading local news reports.
In the Sac City speech, Clinton said U.S. efforts in Afghanistan are more important than ever given the turmoil in neighboring Pakistan.
"I'm very grateful to him and his family," Clinton said.
In policy comments on war, Clinton received her most sustained when she pledged to extricate the United States from Iraq if elected.
"When I'm president I'm going to do that as soon as I'm elected," Clinton said.
Should she capture the White House in November 2008, Clinton said, she would begin sending envoys to repair what she characterized as "damage" from President George W. Bush's "dangerous experiment in extremism."
"The era of cowboy diplomacy is over," Clinton said.
The former First Lady said she is strongly opposed to a "rush to war" with Iran and defended her vote to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a prudent move diplomatically, not a roll-out of the red carpet for the Bush war machine as some of her critics have suggested.
Switching from international issues to more localized matters, Clinton said that much of New York State is rural, that she understands small-town challenges.
She sees renewable energy as resurrecting the Iowa countryside. Sac County needs a shot in the arm as the popultion of about 10,700 has dropped some 7 percent from 2000 to 2006.
"How about creating millions of dollars in green-collar jobs," Clinton said.
Rural areas, she said, stand to profit the most from new energy sources.
Clinton touted a program developed in her Senate office to assist small businesses interested in getting on the Internet -- so that their customer base isn't geographically constricted.
"We need to create that kind of electronic commerce for rural America," Clinton said.
In her speech Clinton never referred directly to her chief rivals for the Democratic nomination but she did suggest that her health-care plan is superior to the one put forth by Obama.
"Some of them don't cover everyone," Clinton said.
She made the case that a Democrat can't run successfully for the White House without a universal health-care plan -- as she sees it as a separating issue with Republicans.
"We're going to join the rest of the rich, industrialized world," Clinton said of her health-care plan.
Clinton fielded several questions from the audience including one from an elderly woman who told her she looked "pretty." And in what is a signature move for the Clintons, she worked the rope line after her speech, signing autographs and speaking with dozens of people one-on-one.
Before coming to Sac City, Clinton discussed an autism plan in Sioux City.
This story is crossposted at Iowa Independent where it first appeared.
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